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Arcanum Ultima.iso
Games > PC
2.28 GB

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Apr 3, 2008

I noticed that some people were having Some problems with mounting multiple CD's and I had just finished this DVD for My Girl friend. This is a Very easy ISO that Can install Arcanum or you can play it from the DVD! It has a custom Install and a lot of extras that I put a lot of effort into. And if you have problems with this DVD please leave a comment and I'll help you as best as I can. Here's the exact Ultima Read me if you really want to know whats in it:

		  Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura
				Ulitma Edition 

1. About Ultima Edition
2. How to START Arcanum
3. The Bonus Material
4. The Dedication
5. Want more?

1. About Ultima Edition

	Ultima Edition of Arcanum was created in the spring break of 2008 when my Girlfriend wanted a copy of Arcanum. This edition has the No-CD Crack installed and has Extra material that you may want such as extra Modules and The Character Editor. Also Included in this edition is a small guide the Manual for the game and Module Editor. 
	There was a few idiotic moments when making this....One was the Bordum the other was the fact that I wasn't going to make it public...But Hey what can I say, I download alot so I decided to give in return. 


There are two ways to start Arcanum
	A. Play from the Game Disc. Thats right this game has been modified for Gameplay of 	   the disc. Kinda of Idiotic I know, But who the fuck cares? You can play it 	   anywhere BITCH
	B. Use the custom Setup.exe and Install it on harddrive and play it on your PC like 	   normal, that was my Girlfriends Idea.

3. The Bonus Material
	*Offical Trokia Maps (Intergrated)
	*Max level 126 (Intergrated)
	*Map (Found on the CD)
	*Character Editor (Found in the CD under /Extra)
	*Alot of portraits (HOLY SHIT!!! I mean alot)
	*Custom DVD Cover Image (All made myself and included)
	*Manual to Game
	*Manual to World Editor
	*Patched to newest Version
	*A open Source PDF reader is included

4. The Dedication

If you like this please seed on the following sites only please so if there are errors I can get them, Thank you!

The Pirate Bay

5. Want more?

If you want more intergrated into the next release please comment on the sites and I'll do it if it is fessible. Not like there's any more than you want in this set anyways!

and the whole BAT file to select the manuals...I was doing a experiment with a friend and decided to keep the script.


So wait, you want a completed save game for arcanum?
Hey. I got the .iso file from the game and DaemonTools Lite. And I mounted the image and everything and the game appears. I get "Play Game" and "Install Game." So I click on play game, and it goes to a loading screen...which closes after a couple of minutes. And then I click install, and it goes to C:/...Arcanum.html or something, stuck on 0%. The installation prog just won't respond, according to my Task Manager. Help?
Are you running on vista? The Problem may just be dameon tools, because I never tested with dameon, always virtual Clone Drive. And if the install still wont work you can copy and paste the main game from the cd, the installer is just there for lazy people, or people that can't/wont understand copying and pasting. Hope that Helps ^^ and vista run the installer/program as Admin.
Hey guys, downloaded the iso and loaded up with both nero image driver and magic iso and I'm having what seems to be the exact same problem as Rick91. If I press play it goes to a loading screen then just disappears after a minute. In the installing screen it goes to arcanum.html and then freezes. I'm gonna try running the installer and just leaving it for a bit, but any help would be wildly appreciated.
Hi guys, I think this your problem because I had the same one. If you're using vista you need to give the program administer rights. If that doesn't work delete the cfg files that Rusty said. It helped me and I can now play the game fully. I hope this helps you.
err I apologize for that broken english comment. I meant to say. " THIS SHOULD fix your problem. not this your problem ^
Thank you Azeral for your tip, Because When I made this game, I didnt have vista and my friends all had heavly modified ones. (Hell I haven't tuch a orginal copy of vista till I bought a new laptop.) And yes I tried his ti[ and it worked :P so if your on vista and your having problems...Just follow those instructions.

(Now only if there was a patch for Vista....then I could update this pack....)
is here included Drog Black Tooth v080823 unofficial Arcanum patch or just the official patch becouse the drog black patch have many fixes on the game
pls respond
No it only inculdes the offical patch...At the time of making this I never knew such a pack existed...?

And As it seems to be, It would most helpful, But no, Im done with this release at the moment, Maybe next year as a 1 Year anniversay edition of Arcanum Ultima Maybe...
Hey! Wan't to thank for a splendid upload, but I'm having really much problems... I have XP home edition, and I have tried mounted with Daemon tools pro, and virtual clone drive, but same respond everytime. Loading gets completed and game cancels.
I have tried install and I have gotten it installed too, but when I try run it from the .exe screen gets black for a while then it cancels..
I have tried deleting cfg and everything that stands in the comments above but I still can't get it to work!
Can I do anything more?
Thank you for your response!
I fixed it! :) Just extracted files and then pushed autorun and tworked ^^ thanks!
Hey I'm running into the same problem as a few others. I am able to install the game. But when I try to run the .exe file. My monitor goes black for a sec and goes back to my desktop. I'm running it in Vista Business 64. I gave the exe. file admin rights and deleted the two .cfg files. I tried using Daemon tools and Virtual clone drive. Is there anything that I might be missing?
Well...This release I made Long ago I see survived this long.... I hope everyone thats dl got it working perfectly Fine...Actually atm Im working on a new one with Drogs updates Also a new installer so it wont crash on you so easy. I hope youll Enjoy the new release next year...(One year anniversary Pack)
Thank you very much!
seed, please:-)
New version is up

HI. great game. :-) found a trojan virus in the auto start of the game.